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Based in Savoy, deep in the Alps, the ISEFE is a university institute specialising in teaching French to foreigners.
Founded in 1981, ISEFE is certified ‘Qualité FLE’ since 2007 by the Inter-ministerial Commission for the Labeling of Centers for French as a Foreign Language and is also a member of the ADCUEFE (Association of Directors of University Centers for the Study of French for Foreigners). We specialize in the teaching of the French language and culture to non-Francophone foreigners. Our courses are taught by highly qualified instructors who hold advanced degrees in FLE (Français langue Etrangère / FFL French as a Foreign Language), and are offered during the entire academic year. Courses consisting of 20 hours per week are also offered during the months of June and July.
We are authorized by the CIEP (International Center for Educational Studies) and the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) to provide internationally recognized certifications for French. As an authorized testing center, we offer the following: the Delf (Diplôme d’études de langue française / French-language studies diploma), the Dalf (Diplôme approfondi de langue française / Advanced French-language diploma), the TEF (Test d’évaluation de français) and the TCF (Test de connaissance du français) to students, professionals, for applications for French nationality, for migration to Canada and or Quebec and to any other non-Francophone person who would like to attest to their level of French proficiency with an internationally recognized certificate.
Our Extracurricular Activities department offers our students as well any other foreign student enrolled at the Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc opportunities to discover the region and French culture (visits of wine cellars, snail farms… rafting, hikes…, visits to Geneva, Torino, Nice… the Christmas market in Strasburg, the Light Festival in Lyon…).
Lastly, located within our building is a library which is specialized in FLE (Français langue étrangère / FFL French as a Foreign Language) and is open to all. It is avalaible for foreign students who wish to practice the French language as well as to students pursuing a Master’s degree in FLE who would like to enlarge their "tool kit". It is always a pleasure to share and exchange and so we regularly take on Master’s students in FLE for observation internships.
1 800 €/ semestre avec passation du DUEF et du TCF.
450€ / mois
Université de Savoie Mont Blanc
Domaine universitaire de Jacob-Bellecombette
bâtiment 14
73011 Chambéry