Professionnels Applying

La labellisation se déroule en plusieurs étapes. Vérifiez tout d'abord que votre centre répond bien aux critères d'éligibilité.

There are a few conditions that need to be verified before applying.

All of the tools required for certification were developed by a scientific committee under the guidance of Claude Le Ninan, a senior lecturer at the Centre of Applied Linguistics (CLA) at the University of Franche Comté, in 2005-2006.

Centres must submit an application if they wish to obtain the certification.

Commitments on the parts of the CIEP and certified centres.

The CIEP, as a public administrative body, has been entrusted by the State with the task of operating the Qualité français langue étrangère certification.

The processes and procedures involved in the Qualité français langue étrangère certification scheme were developed by a scientific committee in the framework of continuous dialogue with the Advisory Council. They take into account both international standards and the context surrounding French language centres and have been validated by the Interministerial Certification Committee. The 7 stages of certification.

Quelles sont les modalités d'attribution du "double label" Qualité FLE-Qualiopi ?